Humans of Neenah
Posted on by Future NeenahFollows His Passion
Tim Galloway is one of the owners of his family business, Galloway Company. The Galloway Company is the largest manufacturer of frozen dairy dessert mixes in Wisconsin. It is one of the largest producers in the nation of sweetened condensed milk. All of these products are made on processing equipment that is unique to Galloway Company. These capabilities allow Galloway Company to provide high quality products, outstanding service, and world class Innovation. Tim’s grandfather invested in Galloway’s Company in the 1930s. His family has solely owned the business since 1955. According to Galloway, “Being a business owner in the community affords you the opportunity to be involved with a number of civic causes. Our nonprofits provide many valuable services to area residents that government can’t do because of budget restraints. Giving back to the community is both an opportunity and an obligation.” Tim has been in Neenah, Wisconsin his whole life, except for when he went to law school in California for three years. “By that time, the job opportunity was too good to pass up,” says Tim. He moved back for work but has decided to stay even after he retires because Neenah is a perfect match for someone looking for a small compact city but with lots of activities and many places to go. He also has many family and friends that live here including his mother, father, and two brothers. Tim’s favorite thing to do in Neenah is watch the fireworks at Riverside every year on the Fourth of July. He has also spent a lot of time out on Lake Winnebago in his sail boat. He loves to see the Riverside Productions with his family and friends. Tim has raised three children in Neenah and loves the public schools. Tim says, “The public schools are excellent, the community is safe, and the cultural experiences for a small community are top notch.” Because Neenah is a big/little place you are able to find a wide variety of dining, cultural, recreational, religious, and educational opportunities, without traveling. Yet it isn’t so big that you can’t find solitude when you need it. Tim has brought much more pride to Neenah with the dairy he provides. Tim will live out his days in Neenah Wisconsin, with his family and friends according to his creed, “Always follow your passion, not what others expect you to do.”
Humans of Neenah Article by NHS Student Abby Napier