Humans of Neenah
Posted on by Future NeenahJesus Food’s Iconic Founder
“I think Neenah is the greatest place to live . . . the volunteerism here is what
keeps the community growing and involved.” Donald Pohlman is not one to hesitate
when expressing love for his community, as observed through his words here. Donald is
an active volunteer at Gloria Dei church in Neenah, and helped to form the Coffee
House program. Coffee House opens the church to the community from 3:00-4:30 every
Thursday, providing a place for people, mostly students from nearby Neenah High
School, to socialize and escape the cold with free hot drinks and what the students call
“Jesus food.”
Donald grew up in New London, but his family moved to Neenah when he was in
the 6th grade. He graduated from Neenah High School and earned an Associate’s
degree at Fox Valley Technical College. Later in life, he became a Neenah Police officer
where he knew “about 75% of Neenah” during his 31 years of employment with the
police. Pohlman is retired now and enjoys his days volunteering at Gloria Dei, catching
up with friends over coffee, playing cribbage, and staying healthy. In fact, he still works
out every day at age 78. How lucky for his 7 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren to
have such an active grandpa! Along with his grandchildren, Donald is the father to 3
sons and a loving husband to his wife of 57 years!
Regarding the Coffee House program and its origins, Pohlman explains: “It was
mainly a place to go after school and meet with friends where you aren’t standing out on
a corner . . . We started out serving 80-85 kids, now we are over 200!” He also mentions
inspiration from other similar programs in the Janesville area and the successes of
those programs, leading to the founding of a truly iconic, safe, and welcoming after
school hangout for local youth and the community.
By NHS Arete Student: Natalie Thurow